Lifting the burden off my Grandmother.


My Grandmother is a actually sweet elderly man who cares a lot about others even more than he prefers herself! She is regularly volunteering at peculiar shelters plus homes to help those in need… When he is at his home, however, he gets actually uncomfortable because of his lack of air conditioning.

She told me that his cooling system hasn’t worked in a long time plus he will be ok separate from it, he would rather invest his cash in fixing someone else’ air conditioning than he would his own.

So I decided, for my Grandmother’s 65th birthday, to get his a new cooling system plus to install it while he was away! I knew if he found out I was buying his an air conditioning he would grab me by the ear plus tell me I better not, so I thought it was best to keep it a secret until the air conditioning was already installed plus he couldn’t do anything about it. When the air conditioning parts arrived, I was confident I’d be able to put it together on my own however after an hour of trial plus error, I finally called up my friend Joe who is an Heating and Air Conditioning mechanic, then he came over as quickly as he could plus helped me officially put together plus install the air conditioning. When Grandmother first walked into his cool condo plus saw the air conditioning, plus me sitting there with balloons plus a card, he burst into tears plus offered me a hug. It was the best feeling ever to deliver back to someone who has given me plus others so much.

air conditioning workman