One of the coolest gifts I’ve ever received was a portable air conditioner.
When I went away for college, my dad got me this portable AC.
It was a heavy duty portable AC and was able to be used virtually anywhere. I used it in my dorm for the first year I was away for school and then I even used it in my car for a period of time when the AC in my car went out. The best part about the portable AC was that it was operated by adding cold water to the device. When I used it in my dorm room, I always had ice available. When I used it in my car, I kept a cool full of cold water in the back. When I got into my car after class on those hot summer days, I would grab two bottles of ice water from the cooler. It was the best part of my day. Sometimes, I would even take the portable AC camping and on trips. The noise was less that what a window unit air conditioner would make, but less a little more than a normal sound maker. I loved the little portable AC. It finally stopped working about 5 years after it was gifted to me. I recently found them online for a really good deal and bought one for me and my friend. We take them to the beach, camping, and even use them in the office sometimes!