Tired of fighting over HVAC system; went back to school


It’s incredible the things that you will do for somebody that you love.

I realized this a long time ago as I watched my mom repeatedly screw herself over trying to help my brother. At the time he was a real disaster between his addiction and abusive problems. I guess that makes sense that a mother can’t turn her back on her own children. However, you might expect that it would be easier to walk away from a spouse when they are giving you continual trouble. Let me tell you, that isn’t the case. For years now my wife has been a major source of stress in my life when it comes to our indoor air handling devices and subsequent energy bills. She has been convinced that our air conditioning unit and forced air furnace we’re on the brink of destruction since the day that we moved in. We have never had an actual heating or cooling equipment breakdown over the course of our marriage. However, that doesn’t stop her from constantly being paranoid about the potential for our cooling system or forced air furnace to spontaneously combust. She’s so concerned with the indoor air quality control equipment that we get into a lot of fights over the thermostat settings. She always wants to keep the heating and cooling system off unless we can pay for a professional HVAC technician to inspect it. This is why I decided I needed to go back to school to become a professional heating, cooling, and air quality control specialist. If it will bring my wife some peace of mind, I will learn how to service our own indoor air temperature control equipment.
air conditioning technician