Home cooling tips from my Heating plus Air Conditioning provider


If there is one technology that I am grateful for, it is the advancement of cooling systems.

Without cooling systems our bodies would be constantly dripping with sweat trying to maintain a temperature to keep ourselves comfortable and minimize heat concerns.

When I was growing up there was no cooling system that was installed in my family’s home. We used natural and cooling tips to keep our home the coolest it possibly could be. Some of the cooling tips that I had learned when I was younger from my parents learning from their Heating plus Air Conditioning provider is turning off kitchen, bathrooms, and cooking fans at least twenty minutes prior when they were done cooking. We consistently kept our blinds and curtains closed as well to keep the direct sunlight out of our home, that would potentially raise the temperature dramatically. Since my associate and I had to find an alternative way to circulate air within our home my associate and I had electric portable fans. We did not have a portable fan in every room, my associate and I only had two, so every room that my associate and I decided to go to my associate and I made sure to unplug the fan and bring it with us, and growing up without a cooling system didn’t seem all too poor when I was younger, but now that I have my own home and have central heating and cooling installed, I can’t imagine not having a cooling system. Our cooling system is a lifestyle and something that I don’t feel my associate and I could live two days without complaining about the heat… Luckily I was young enough and didn’t have a love what the temperature was like in my parent’s home.



Air conditioning repair