Heated Bathroom Floors

Heated Bathroom Floors


My sister recently moved into a charming new home. Her hubby spent years designing the home plus made sure every detail was perfect. It drove my sister absurd because his meticulous nature delayed the completed of their home for various months. After various years of designing plus building the home, they finally moved in. I

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Tree branch came down directly on AC

Tree branch came down directly on AC


Not only did the storm blow down several power lines in our area, but it also blew down a massive branch that landed directly on my air conditioning unit Sometimes I feel like I am cursed with bad luck. I’m just one of those people who meets a lot of resistance around every turn. I

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Husband set HVAC budget

Husband set HVAC budget


I know plenty of people who have disputes with their fiance about finances for one reason or another. It seems like most partners and wives have different ideas about how it is appropriate to spend money, and it sparks quite a bit of disagreement. Most couples seems to bicker about shopping, travelling, and eating expenses,

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Weekend getaway gets ductless heat pumps

Weekend getaway gets ductless heat pumps


Sometimes I just have to pinch myself. Sure, there have been difficult time in the past plus there will be in the future. That’s just part of living this life. But for the most part, I’ve led a truly lucky existence. My wife plus I share a charming home with plenty of space, an amazing

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Trying to entertain & a/c failed

Trying to entertain & a/c failed


My apartment was soon well over 90 degrees inside & the guests were miserable Sometimes it feels like I shouldn’t try to go outside my realm of comfort, because I’m punished when I do. For instance, when I go out on a limb to try to help an buddy, only for the woman to screw

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Working in an office is inferior to working at home

Working in an office is inferior to working at home


I can say with confidence that however I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, I legitimately don’t want to do it in an office. I’ve only learned this recently, after having left my cushy state task for a less luxurious position working from house for independent companys. Sure, I

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Replacing a brand new malfunctioning control unit

Replacing a brand new malfunctioning control unit


There are some things that just don’t labor right, but in my life, I feel as if nothing works right! Everything I seem to own goes wrong or does not labor at all. It may start off laboring right however in the end it typically breaks down soon after I have it. It is not

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Neighbor tries his hand at A/C repair

Neighbor tries his hand at A/C repair


I easily wish that people would ask for help when they needed it instead of trying to be DIY masters. I feel like the internet has skewed peoples’ expectations for their own handy skills where there are none. Honestly, I have been trying to discourage all of my neighbors from taking on major household projects

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Major air conditioning system upgrade

Major air conditioning system upgrade


We lived a particularly simple life growing up. My siblings plus I learned to love the basics. My pal and I shared all of our toys plus enjoyed it that way. My pal and I never had the high end electronics like our friends. My pal and I also shared our clothes, so my friend

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Got a big bonus from work, buying modern HVAC

Got a big bonus from work, buying modern HVAC


I can say without a doubt that I’ve been incredibly lucky in the recent years of my life. I moved out of my crappy house town, purchased a reputable degree from a major school, and landed a cushy salaried task with full benefits; All of this was such a vast improvement in comparison to my

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Heater broke; got so cold that clothes froze stiff

Heater broke; got so cold that clothes froze stiff


I’m fairly accustomed to cold weather. I’m from the north & I’ve lived through twenty something harsh winters up there. The weather is consistently brutal; there’s harsh cold & wind chill, not to mention the ice storms & heavy snow fall. I’ve had plenty of experience scraping off cars & driving in blinding snow. I’ve

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I fell off the roof while working on a central cooling system

I fell off the roof while working on a central cooling system


I fell off the roof while working on a central cooling system and nearly broke my leg, then it was undoubtedly a exhausting idea in the first place, although I had to do it. It was mid winter and for some reason our central cooling system started blowing air from the HVAC ducts. I checked

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Sitting by a Radiant Heating Device & Then I go For a Run

Sitting by a Radiant Heating Device & Then I go For a Run


My niece & nephew just got back household & are already starting with the questions. I’m just ignoring them because it is like a feeding frenzy with them & I don’t want to provide them any ammunition. When it is just one kid it is much more peaceful, but when they get together they feed

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Heating and Cooling Systems and Friends I Never Get to See

Heating and Cooling Systems and Friends I Never Get to See


The heating and cooling corp where I work part time is closed for a few weeks so I won’t have any heat pumps to fix or HEPA filters to sell till they open again Today is December 27th and I just got done sitting out back at my aunt’s house trying to get some sun.

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Hotel problems

Hotel problems


I’m not sure if there’s anything more bad than getting a poor hotel room on trip, and you embark on the journey with certain expectations for relaxation, fun, & excitement, & it only takes unacceptable housing to ruin a lot of this, and it could be a certainly loud hotel room situated near an elevator,

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Selling custom furniture for cheap

Selling custom furniture for cheap


Custom furniture can be really luxurious if you are building it for the entire house, however some people are able to use reclaimed wood for custom furniture, while others use only the finest wood they can find, then one of my number one pieces of custom furniture that I have ever owned came from a

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Preserving your air purifier

Preserving your air purifier


Many homeowners today enjoy the benefits of having an air purifier in their home, but few do what it takes to preserve their air purifier so it will last longer and work better over the years. If you don’t want to have to get a new UV light air purifier, or HEPA air purifier every

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Portable AC operates on water

Portable AC operates on water


One of the coolest gifts I’ve ever received was a portable air conditioner. When I went away for college, my dad got me this portable AC. It was a heavy duty portable AC and was able to be used virtually anywhere. I used it in my dorm for the first year I was away for

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Aunt tries to keep Heating, Ventilation & A/C afloat with prayer

Aunt tries to keep Heating, Ventilation & A/C afloat with prayer


Sometimes I really worry about my family. I know that they aren’t healthy people but they also seem to be adjustingly dysfunctional plus delusional. I moved away a long time ago to try to avoid the same thing happening to me. Unfortunately, I can’t completely be rid of my entire family structure because I want

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Working in an office is inferior to working at home

Working in an office is inferior to working at home


I can say with confidence that although I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, I definitely don’t want to do it in an office. I’ve only learned this recently, after having left my cushy state job for a less luxurious position working from home for independent contractors. Sure, I

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Quit restaurant when summer set in

Quit restaurant when summer set in


I guess I’m not the type of person who likes to persevere all the time. I do the best that I can to stick it out and uncomfortable situations but at a certain point I am going to cut my losses and run. This is what recently happened with my part time job when I

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Portable A/C operates on water

Portable A/C operates on water


One of the coolest gifts I’ve ever received was a portable a/c, but when I went away for university, my Mom got me this portable AC. It was a heavy duty portable A/C plus was able to be used virtually anywhere. I used it in my dorm for the first year I was away for

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Heater broke; got so cold that clothes froze stiff

Heater broke; got so cold that clothes froze stiff


I’m fairly accustomed to cold weather. I’m from the north and I’ve lived through twenty something severe winters up there. The weather is consistently brutal; there’s severe cold and wind chill, not to mention the ice storms and heavy snow fall. I’ve had plenty of experience scraping off cars and driving in blinding snow. I’ve

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In laws guess I’m marrying him for the Heating as well as Air Conditioning

In laws guess I’m marrying him for the Heating as well as Air Conditioning


Sporadically it’s truly difficult to prove to people that they are wrong about their opinion. When people get a particular sentiment in their head it is nearly impossible to convince them otherwise. This pertains to all realms of the political environment at this point. I guess all of us have seen stupid Facebook fights taking

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My mom laughed when I told his the air ducts were dirty

My mom laughed when I told his the air ducts were dirty


My mom is currently cleaning up our house. She had to stop the vacuum cleaner as well as look inside the tank. She had noticed that there was a lot of dust in there. She had never seen so much dust in the vacuum in his life, and our house has never been this dusty

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My mom laughed when I told her the air ducts were dirty

My mom laughed when I told her the air ducts were dirty


She turned to me and apologized for laughing at me earlier My mom is currently cleaning up our house. She had to stop the vacuum cleaner and look inside the tank. She had noticed that there was a lot of dust in there. She had never seen so much dust in the vacuum in her

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Christmas list for my technician husband

Christmas list for my technician husband


I am sure that there are other HVAC technicians out there that could get use out of these specialized tools as well Every year I struggle with what to get my husband for Christmas. He doesn’t have many hobbies and he works all the time. I have bought him every kind of thermos, lunch box

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Good points of a building automation system for a commercial space

Good points of a building automation system for a commercial space


In this week’s competitive commercial world, a building automation system is just about a necessity, however there are so many demands on time, responsibilities to manage as well as occasions available that utilizing smart technology only makes sense, but building automation systems allow for programming according to yearly operations, simplifying tasks as well as saving

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Selling custom furniture at a yard sale

Selling custom furniture at a yard sale


Custom furniture can be very expensive if you are building it for the entire house. Some people are able to use reclaimed wood for custom furniture, while others use only the finest wood they can find. One of my favorite pieces of custom furniture that I have ever owned came from a yard sale in

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Mold in the vents of my AC

Mold in the vents of my AC


They had someone out the following morning. Last summer, I kept getting sick plus I could not figure out why, first, it was my kids plus then it was me. I figured that it was just a virus that the kids picked up at university plus brought home, and like any other time my friend

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Trying to Kill a Day is No Easy Task With Two Crazy Kids

Trying to Kill a Day is No Easy Task With Two Crazy Kids


I guess I will have to go for a long bike ride soon to get away from my screaming niece. She likes to yell really loud and be annoying to everyone in the house, so I am just going to leave for a bike ride and come back in 25 years, she should be done

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