Heater broke; got so cold that clothes froze stiff

Heater broke; got so cold that clothes froze stiff


I’m fairly accustomed to cold weather. I’m from the north and I’ve lived through twenty something extreme winters up there. The weather is always brutal; there’s extreme cold and wind chill, not to mention the ice storms and heavy snow fall. I’ve had plenty of experience scraping off cars and driving in blinding snow. I’ve

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Pros of a building automation system for a commercial space

Pros of a building automation system for a commercial space


In today’s competitive commercial world, a building automation system is just about a necessity, then there are so several demands on time, responsibilities to manage as well as options available that utilizing smart technology only makes sense! Building automation systems allow for programming according to yearly operations, simplifying tasks as well as saving time. There

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International Travel

International Travel


The heated blankets entirely make a difference! I also pack heavier clothing plus hand warmers I retired from being a instructor a few years ago. After retiring, I decided to spend all of my free time traveling. In just a few years, I visited dozens of countries in all odd climate zones. The experience has

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Replacing a brand new malfunctioning thermostat

Replacing a brand new malfunctioning thermostat


There are some things that just don’t toil right. In my life, I feel as if nothing works right, everything I seem to own goes wrong or does not toil at all. It may beginning off working right but in the end it constantly breaks down soon after I have it. It is not absolutely

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Our electric furnace tore up last week

Our electric furnace tore up last week


Of course, as my luck would have it, my furnace stopped laboring last month whenever the weather started cooling off. We have not needed our furnace this whole entire year up until now. It seems like that is constantly how my luck goes though. Whenever I start to need something, that is the time that

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I wasn’t trying to be late – car breaks down

I wasn’t trying to be late – car breaks down


I’m really not the type of person who likes to keep people waiting; If my great friend and I agree to meet anywhere I’m really going to arrive 30 minutes early! But I will rest in the parking lot plus be bored while I ruminate over the fact that I did not need to rush

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The need for portable units.

The need for portable units.


I work at a factory that manufactures all things Heating plus A/C, but from UV light air filters, to advanced air conditioner units, to air purification systems, we specialize in keeping the world comfortable with our products; Recently, we have seen an increasing demand for our modern battery operated, portable, Heating plus A/C units. The

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Working in commercial AC means I know a lot of folks

Working in commercial AC means I know a lot of folks


I’m a very good person to know. Not only am I extremely helpful and handy and a lot of various ways but I have a large network of other humans who can usually help with any task on your plates. I have a wide network of close associates who I rely on on a regular

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Grandma gets routine service; refuses to pay for repair

Grandma gets routine service; refuses to pay for repair


I have two Grandmas. Both of my Grandpa’s have passed away years ago but the women remain. Both of my Grandma’s are characters but they are severely strange in personality, and one of them is undoubtedly laid-back, grateful, and enlightened. The other Grandma is severely entitled, demanding, and difficult. As you can imagine, I cherish

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Hot Flashes

Hot Flashes


I feel so awful for my mom. As he gets older, he battles more plus more health problems… She developed thyroid problems recently on top of dealing with diabetes. As if that cannot get any worse, she’s going through menopause plus experiences so many difficult symptoms from it! The worst symptom for his is the

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Weekend getaway gets ductless heat pumps

Weekend getaway gets ductless heat pumps


Sometimes I just have to pinch myself. Sure, there have been tough time in the past and there will be in the future. That’s just part of living this life. But for the most part, I’ve led a very fortunate existence. My wife and I share a lovely home with plenty of space, an amazing

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Preserving your a/c and furnace

Preserving your a/c and furnace


Many times, people will forget about the air filter in their Heating, Ventilation and A/C unit and will not change it for years! Eventually, their a/c or furnace will have major malfunctions and they don’t know why, however changing the air filter in your cooling system unit not only is good for the unit, but

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Space Heater/Bathroom

Space Heater/Bathroom


Last winter, I visited my sister for a few weeks. I traveled across the country as well as spent some quality time with my sister as well as my nephews. It was so much fun! There was one small issue though. My sister’s furnace was acting up. It heated the first floor of the house,

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Weather across state

Weather across state


I grew up in the northern part of the state along the lake. My childhood was filled with memories of snow storms and snow days. We had more winter days than summer days. It never really occurred to me that we were missing out on summertime. When I graduated from college, I moved into a

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Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C conundrum solved

Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C conundrum solved


I never legitimately forgot about our heating as well as cooling anomaly as much as I just accepted it, but however, I was still sort of curious as to why the heating as well as cooling in a small section of the dwelling wasn’t equal to the rest of the house, then it was odd

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Arrived late at the job, working overtime all week

Arrived late at the job, working overtime all week


You never know when traffic is going to be absolutely horrible in this city. Some days it’s perfectly fine and other days it will hold you up for hours. This is a big problem for me as someone who has to drive back and forth two different jobs for my daily work. I’m not the

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I fell off the roof while working on a central a/c

I fell off the roof while working on a central a/c


I fell off the roof while working on a central a/c plus nearly broke my leg, however it was honestly a excruciating idea in the first locale, however I had to do it. It was mid winter season plus for some reason our central a/c started blowing air from the air ducts. I checked the

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Portable A/C operates on water

Portable A/C operates on water


One of the coolest gifts I’ve ever gained was a portable air conditioner, when I went away for college, my dad got me this portable AC. It was a heavy duty portable A/C as well as was able to be used virtually anywhere. I used it in my dorm for the first year I was

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Mold in the vents of my AC

Mold in the vents of my AC


Last summer, I kept getting sick plus I could not figure out why, and first, it was my youngsters plus then it was me. I figured that it was just a virus that the youngsters picked up at school plus brought home… Like any other time my buddy and I got sick, I sanitized the

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Would love zone controlled heating

Would love zone controlled heating


There are a lot of improvements that I would like to make to my new house. There are several places that could use new paint, a few areas where I want to install shelves, some lights that need to be replaced or rewired, and flooring that could certainly be updated. I know we will get

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Can’t keep windows open because neighborhood is so loud

Can’t keep windows open because neighborhood is so loud


I don’t know if you’ve ever lived in a sketchy area, even though I absolutely have. There were a number of years when I resided right on the edge of a pretty ghetto area of town, plus it was a learning experience for sure. For instance, I learned to walk with one earbud at night

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I collect space boilers all year for the shelter

I collect space boilers all year for the shelter


Some people say that I have unusual hobbies! Personally, I know that what I do is undoubtedly normal if other people would just join in. It’s not like I am up to any illicit activities or I am trying to change the world. I just like to go around and collect treasures that other people

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Aunt tries to keep HVAC afloat with prayer

Aunt tries to keep HVAC afloat with prayer


Sometimes I really worry about my family. I know that they aren’t healthy people but they also seem to be increasingly dysfunctional and delusional. I moved away a long time ago to try to avoid the same thing happening to me. Unfortunately, I can’t completely be rid of my entire family structure because I want

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Sitting by a Radiant Heating Device plus Then I go For a Run

Sitting by a Radiant Heating Device plus Then I go For a Run


I know that the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C corporation down the road is open this week plus my local company acquaintance is laboring there, so I know I will pay his a visit plus escape the jungle here for a while. My niece plus nephew just got back condo plus are already starting with the

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Preserving your whole-condo air purifier

Preserving your whole-condo air purifier


Many homeowners this week adore the benefits of having an whole-condo air purifier in their home, however few do what it takes to preserve their whole-condo air purifier so it will last longer plus work better over the years. If you don’t want to have to get a new UV light whole-condo air purifier, or

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Sitting by a Radiant Heating Device & Then I go For a Run

Sitting by a Radiant Heating Device & Then I go For a Run


My niece & nephew just got back household & are already starting with the questions. I’m just ignoring them because it is like a feeding frenzy with them & I don’t want to provide them any ammunition. When it is just one kid it is much more peaceful, but when they get together they feed

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Hotel HVAC failed

Hotel HVAC failed


I’m not sure if there’s anything more disappointing than getting a terrible hotel room on trip; You embark on the journey with certain expectations for relaxation, fun, and excitement, and it only takes inadequate housing to ruin a lot of this; It could be a certainally loud hotel room located near an elevator, or a

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A positive response to a negative review

A positive response to a negative review


I have to say for the first five years our company was thriving but then it took a sudden turn for the worse. We began experiencing customers canceling appointments and we were having difficulty attracting new ones. At first we decided that it had to be due to economic hardships but when we saw other

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Residential Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C has to be the proper size

Residential Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C has to be the proper size


It’s been a real learning experience with all these renovations. There are just a seemingly endless amount of details that have to be dealt with when it comes to making this home our home. Everyone wants to have a home with good amenities plus good quality heating plus air. That’s absolutely what we wanted as

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Sitting by a Radiant Heating Device and Then I go For a Run

Sitting by a Radiant Heating Device and Then I go For a Run


My niece and nephew just got back home and are already starting with the questions. I’m just ignoring them because it is like a feeding frenzy with them and I don’t want to give them any ammunition. When it is just one kid it is much more peaceful, but when they get together they feed

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Weather across state

Weather across state


I grew up in the northern part of the state along the lake. My childhood was filled with memories of snow storms as well as snow afternoons. My pal and I had more winter afternoons than Summer afternoons. It never really occurred to me that we were missing out on summertime. When I graduated from

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Dual Heating/Cooling System

Dual Heating/Cooling System


I moved into an inner neighborhood home about one year ago. I knew that moving into the neighborhood was going to be extravagant, but I was ready for the financial investment. Regardless of the cost, I was excited for all the neighborhood had to offer. I knew that rent would be a hefty price, but

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Preserving your whole-condo air purifier

Preserving your whole-condo air purifier


Many homeowners this week care about the benefits of having an whole-condo air purifier in their home, however few do what it takes to preserve their whole-condo air purifier so it will last longer and toil better over the years. If you don’t want to have to get a new UV light whole-condo air purifier,

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Trenchless sewer maintenance on a weekend while I hosted a party

Trenchless sewer maintenance on a weekend while I hosted a party


There is nothing worse than dealing with a plumbing issue, certainally when it is a septic concern! What can make this horrible situation even more terrible is having company during it. I recently had a huge group of friends over to my house when my septic system decided to act up. It started out as

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Maintenance is important

Maintenance is important


I was coming condo to a burning tepid property many times a month, plus had to keep resetting the AC device to be functional again I’m sure all the people has heard that phrase – moderation is key. It usually refers to people’s health habits, such as what plus how much they are eating plus

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Residential Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C has to be the correct size

Residential Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C has to be the correct size


It’s been a real learning experience with all these renovations. There are just a seemingly endless amount of details that have to be dealt with when it comes to making this home our home. Everyone wants to have a condo with great amenities and great quality heating and air. That’s absolutely what my friend and

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Weather across state

Weather across state


I grew up in the northern part of the state along the lake. My childhood was filled with memories of snow storms plus snow days. My pal and I had more winter days than summer time days. It never entirely occurred to me that my friend and I were missing out on summertime. When I

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