Arrived late at the task, working overtime all week

Arrived late at the task, working overtime all week


You never know when traffic is going to be really horrible in this city. Some afternoons it’s perfectly fantastic plus other afternoons it will hold you up for hours. This is a big problem for me as someone who has to drive back plus forth two unusual tasks for my quarterly work. I’m not the

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The current miniature a/c

The current miniature a/c


There is a current miniature a/c out in almost all heating and cooling companies and Heating, Ventilation and A/C patrons are taking them from the shelves faster than my buddy and I can stock them. The current miniature a/c is particular and makes life so much more convenient. The miniature a/c is just as it

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I wasn’t trying to be late – automobile breaks down

I wasn’t trying to be late – automobile breaks down


I’m truly not the type of woman who likes to keep people waiting, and if we agree to meet somewhere I am actually going to arrive 30 minutes early… But I will sit in the parking lot as well as be bored while I ruminate over the fact that I did not need to rush

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Grandma gets routine repair; refuses to spend money for repair

Grandma gets routine repair; refuses to spend money for repair


When she finally called my heating & cooling worker for help with her fluctuating indoor air quality he came out immediately & repaired her central heating & cooling system I have two Grandmas. Both of my Grandfather’s have passed away years ago but the ladies remain. Both of my Grandma’s are characters but they are

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My neighbors have a greater and better Heating and Air Conditioning system

My neighbors have a greater and better Heating and Air Conditioning system


I know of somebody who enjoys you have everything better than most people else, but if you have something they have to have it greater and better. For example I currently have an electric central air system. My neighbors have an electric central air system and have zone control heating. They also just recently put

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Selling custom furniture for cheap

Selling custom furniture for cheap


Custom furniture can be really luxurious if you are building it for the entire house, however some people are able to use reclaimed wood for custom furniture, while others use only the finest wood they can find, then one of my number one pieces of custom furniture that I have ever owned came from a

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Maintenance is important

Maintenance is important


I was coming apartment to a burning boiling apartment several times a month, & had to keep resetting the AC unit to be functional again I’m sure everyone has heard that phrase – moderation is key. It usually refers to people’s health habits, such as what & how much they are eating & drinking, however

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Lost power, didn’t know AC was broken too

Lost power, didn’t know AC was broken too


Last week was a really difficult one. We had back-to-back obligations all weekend long which made the time fly. We already felt very haggard and run down by the time Monday rolled around and then it was time to start a brand-new work week. Unfortunately, the climate wasn’t going to cooperate with our work-from-home obligations.

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Being in control with the new smart thermostat to be extra lazy

Being in control with the new smart thermostat to be extra lazy


There are only a couple of things that I know of for sure. It is just that I have not finished my Christmas shopping and the holiday is only a couple of days away. I have no idea how I am going to manage to get this shopping done on time. The worst part is

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Thermostats and the advantages of how far they have come

Thermostats and the advantages of how far they have come


Technology is growing rapidly especially in the heating and cooling industry. When I visit my grandparents they have a turn dial for their thermostat. It is not digital at all and I feel that it is not as accurate. According to my HVAC technician these turn dial thermostats are not as accurate as digital ones

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Trenchless sewer maintenance on a weekend while I hosted a party

Trenchless sewer maintenance on a weekend while I hosted a party


There is nothing worse than dealing with a plumbing issue, certainally when it is a septic concern! What can make this horrible situation even more terrible is having company during it. I recently had a huge group of friends over to my house when my septic system decided to act up. It started out as

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Aunt tries to keep HVAC afloat with prayer

Aunt tries to keep HVAC afloat with prayer


Sometimes I really worry about my family. I know that they aren’t healthy people but they also seem to be increasingly dysfunctional and delusional. I moved away a long time ago to try to avoid the same thing happening to me. Unfortunately, I can’t completely be rid of my entire family structure because I want

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Hotel HVAC failed

Hotel HVAC failed


I’m not sure if there’s anything more disappointing than getting a terrible hotel room on trip; You embark on the journey with certain expectations for relaxation, fun, and excitement, and it only takes inadequate housing to ruin a lot of this; It could be a certainally loud hotel room located near an elevator, or a

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Heater broke; got so cold that clothes froze stiff

Heater broke; got so cold that clothes froze stiff


I’m fairly accustomed to cold weather. I’m from the north and I’ve lived through twenty something severe winters up there. The weather is consistently brutal; there’s severe cold and wind chill, not to mention the ice storms and heavy snow fall. I’ve had plenty of experience scraping off cars and driving in blinding snow. I’ve

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Working in commercial A/C means I know a lot of folks

Working in commercial A/C means I know a lot of folks


I’m a undoubtedly nice woman to know. Not only am I severely helpful and handy and a lot of many ways despite the fact that I have a massive network of other humans who can usually help with any task on your plates. I have a wide network of close neighbors who I rely on

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This public transportation sucks

This public transportation sucks


I remember asking the bus driver once why the car was so poorly air conditioned, & she muttered something about the city budget not taking AC into account I try to do my part to help the environment as my friend and I battle the weather conditions change which is destined to ruin our planet.

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Selling custom furniture around here

Selling custom furniture around here


Custom furniture can be genuinely high-priced if you are building it for the entire house, however some people are able to use reclaimed wood for custom furniture, while others use only the finest wood they can find, however one of my number one pieces of custom furniture that I have ever owned came from a

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Boss loves air quality

Boss loves air quality


I thought it would be simple to jump up and press the button on the thermostat every so often, but I never expected that this air quality assistantship would get so overwhelming. Several years ago when I was looking for a new position I never thought that I would wind up being a personal assistant.

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Christmas list for my technician husband

Christmas list for my technician husband


I am sure that there are other HVAC technicians out there that could get use out of these specialized tools as well Every year I struggle with what to get my husband for Christmas. He doesn’t have many hobbies and he works all the time. I have bought him every kind of thermos, lunch box

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Heating & Cooling Systems & Friends I Never Get to See

Heating & Cooling Systems & Friends I Never Get to See


Today is December 27th & I just got done resting out back at my aunt’s condo trying to get some sun. It is 12pm & all of my friends are working away & don’t have the time to hang out with me. A lot of them have youngsters & wives & tasks that don’t allow

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Major air conditioner replace

Major air conditioner replace


We lived a genuinely simple life growing up. My siblings as well as I learned to love the basics. My pal and I shared all of our toys as well as enjoyed it that way. My pal and I never had the high end electronics like our friends. My pal and I also shared our

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Hot Flashes

Hot Flashes


I feel so awful for my mom. As he gets older, he battles more plus more health problems… She developed thyroid problems recently on top of dealing with diabetes. As if that cannot get any worse, she’s going through menopause plus experiences so many difficult symptoms from it! The worst symptom for his is the

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Trying to Kill a Day is No Easy Task With Two Crazy Kids

Trying to Kill a Day is No Easy Task With Two Crazy Kids


I suppose I will have to go for a long bike ride soon to get away from my screaming niece. She likes to yell really loud plus be discouraging to all the people in the house, so I am just going to leave for a bike ride plus come back in 25 years, she should

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How my neighbor handled his boiler

How my neighbor handled his boiler


I took a trip to a different part of the country to see my neighbor in winter, then it was a bit cold than normal, even inside his house. I asked if he had a boiler, & he confirmed that his boiler was on. I brushed it off & thought that maybe I was not

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My neighbors have a bigger plus better Heating plus A/C system

My neighbors have a bigger plus better Heating plus A/C system


I know of somebody who likes you have everything better than most people else, however if you have something they have to have it bigger plus better, for example I currently have an electric central air system, then my neighbors have an electric central air system plus have zone control heating; They also just recently

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Lifting the burden off my Grandmother.

Lifting the burden off my Grandmother.


My Grandmother is a actually sweet elderly man who cares a lot about others even more than he prefers herself! She is regularly volunteering at peculiar shelters plus homes to help those in need… When he is at his home, however, he gets actually uncomfortable because of his lack of air conditioning. She told me

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Hotel HVAC failed

Hotel HVAC failed


I’m not sure if there’s anything more disappointing than getting a disappointing hotel room on vacation, you embark on the journey with certain expectations for relaxation, fun, and excitement, and it only takes inadequate housing to ruin a lot of this, however it could be a certainally loud hotel room situated near an elevator, or

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Positives of a building automation system for a commercial space

Positives of a building automation system for a commercial space


In today’s competitive commercial world, a building automation system is just about a necessity, then there are so multiple demands on time, responsibilities to manage as well as occasions available that utilizing smart technology only makes sense, and building automation systems allow for programming according to biweekly operations, simplifying jobs as well as saving time.

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Reading electrical gas meters for heating purposes

Reading electrical gas meters for heating purposes


When I was a child I was very actively involved outside! During my childhood I can recall times where I would hastily do my homework and then rush outside and play with six other village kids. We would play all sorts of games from kickball to hide-and-go-seek. Hide-and-go-seek was one of my number one games.

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Heater broke; got so cold that clothes froze stiff

Heater broke; got so cold that clothes froze stiff


I’m fairly accustomed to cold weather. I’m from the north and I’ve lived through twenty something extreme winters up there. The weather is always brutal; there’s extreme cold and wind chill, not to mention the ice storms and heavy snow fall. I’ve had plenty of experience scraping off cars and driving in blinding snow. I’ve

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Got a big bonus from work, buying new HVAC

Got a big bonus from work, buying new HVAC


I can say without a doubt that I’ve been incredibly lucky in the recent years of my life. I moved out of my crappy home town, obtained a reputable degree from a major university, and landed a cushy salaried job with full benefits. All of this was such a vast improvement in comparison to my

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