Working in commercial AC means I know a lot of folks

Working in commercial AC means I know a lot of folks


I’m a really good person to know. Not only am I harshly helpful & handy & a lot of several ways but I have a large network of other humans who can usually help with any task on your plates. I have a wide network of close friends who I rely on on a official

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Space Heater/Bathroom

Space Heater/Bathroom


I was focused more on spending time with them Last winter, I visited my sister for a few weeks. I traveled across the country and spent some quality time with my sister and my nephews. It was so much fun! There was one small issue though. My sister’s heating system was acting up. It heated

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We called a plumber in Vineland to install the new bathroom fixtures

We called a plumber in Vineland to install the new bathroom fixtures


My wife and I bought an older farm house in Vineland, New Jersey. Vineland is a great place to live with lots of shopping, bars, restaurants, and culture. It’s not too far from the shore and Atlantic City. One of the reasons why we decided to buy an older house in Vineland is due to

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The need for portable units.

The need for portable units.


I labor at a factory that manufactures all things Heating and Air Conditioning, and from UV light air filters, to advanced air conditioner units, to air purification systems, my buddy and I specialize in keeping the world comfortable with our products, then recently, my buddy and I have seen an increasing demand for our current

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My Heating and Air Conditioning equipment saved my life.

My Heating and Air Conditioning equipment saved my life.


I know many people will say their air conditioning or boiler is a “life saver” meaning their lives would be worse off separate from them, however when I say my Heating and Air Conditioning equipment was my life saver, I mean it in every sense of the phrase, and last month, I was going about

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Hotel problems

Hotel problems


I’m not sure if there’s anything more bad than getting a poor hotel room on trip, and you embark on the journey with certain expectations for relaxation, fun, & excitement, & it only takes unacceptable housing to ruin a lot of this, and it could be a certainly loud hotel room situated near an elevator,

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Hotel Heating plus A/C failed

Hotel Heating plus A/C failed


I’m not sure if there’s anything more poor than getting a poor hotel room on vacation, however you embark on the journey with certain expectations for relaxation, fun, plus excitement, plus it only takes unsatisfactory housing to ruin a lot of this, it could be a certainly loud hotel room situated near an elevator, or

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Selling custom furniture for cheap

Selling custom furniture for cheap


Custom furniture can be really luxurious if you are building it for the entire house, however some people are able to use reclaimed wood for custom furniture, while others use only the finest wood they can find, then one of my number one pieces of custom furniture that I have ever owned came from a

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The need for portable units.

The need for portable units.


I labor at a factory that manufactures all things Heating plus A/C; From UV light air filters, to advanced a/c units, to whole-dwelling air purifiers, my pal and I specialize in keeping the world comfortable with our products; Recently, my pal and I have seen an changing demand for our new battery operated, portable, Heating

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Husband set HVAC budget

Husband set HVAC budget


I know plenty of people who have disputes with their spouse about finances for one reason or another. It seems like most husbands and wives have different ideas about how it is appropriate to spend money, and it sparks quite a bit of disagreement. Most couples seems to bicker about shopping, travelling, and eating expenses,

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All of Those Stories of Life Unfold as we Get Older

All of Those Stories of Life Unfold as we Get Older


When you get older you start to see the stories of everyone’s life unfold, including your own life. I’ve had some friends who were married with kids and very successful only to throw it all away because of drugs or something else. I’ve made my own mistakes in life but am still doing alright. I

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Neighbor tries his hand at AC repair

Neighbor tries his hand at AC repair


I entirely wish that people would ask for help when they needed it instead of trying to be DIY masters. I feel like the internet has skewed peoples’ expectations for their own handy skills where there are none. Honestly, I have been trying to discourage all of my neighbors from taking on major house projects

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Arrived late at the task, working overtime all week

Arrived late at the task, working overtime all week


You never know when traffic is going to be really horrible in this city. Some afternoons it’s perfectly fantastic plus other afternoons it will hold you up for hours. This is a big problem for me as someone who has to drive back plus forth two unusual tasks for my quarterly work. I’m not the

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Can’t keep windows open because neighborhood is so loud

Can’t keep windows open because neighborhood is so loud


I don’t know if you’ve ever lived in a sketchy area, but I certainly have. There were a number of years when I resided right on the edge of a pretty ghetto area of town, and it was a learning experience for sure. For instance, I learned to walk with one earbud at night and

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Residential Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C has to be the proper size

Residential Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C has to be the proper size


It’s been a real learning experience with all these renovations. There are just a seemingly endless amount of details that have to be dealt with when it comes to making this dwelling our home. Everyone wants to have a condo with good amenities as well as good quality heating as well as air. That’s definitely

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Lost power, didn’t know A/C was broken too

Lost power, didn’t know A/C was broken too


Last year was a truly difficult one. We had back-to-back obligations all weekend long which made the time fly. We already felt entirely haggard as well as run down by the time Sunday rolled around as well as then it was time to start a brand-new labor week. Unluckyly, the climate wasn’t going to cooperate

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Heating plus Cooling Systems plus Friends I Never Get to See

Heating plus Cooling Systems plus Friends I Never Get to See


Today is December 27th plus I just got done sitting out back at my aunt’s house trying to get some sun. It is 12pm plus all of my friends are laboring away plus don’t have the time to hang out with me. A lot of them have youngsters plus wives plus tasks that don’t allow

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Smart thermostat vs. Heated Floors

Smart thermostat vs. Heated Floors


My hubby plus I are currently going through the process of updating our heating plus cooling systems. My pal and I purchased a home two years ago plus finally found time to complete this major renovation. My pal and I have been going through this for months plus cannot agree on anything. My pal and

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The Jacksonville homeowner needed help fast

The Jacksonville homeowner needed help fast


I work for a Jacksonville air conditioning repair business. Throughout the week, I usually work Monday through Friday from 10:00 in the morning until 8:00 at 9:00. I only work on the weekends once during the month. Everyone that works for the Jacksonville air conditioning repair business has to be on call one weekend each

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My HVAC unit saved my life.

My HVAC unit saved my life.


I know many people will say their air conditioner or furnace is a “life saver” meaning their lives would be worse off without them, but when I say my HVAC unit was my life saver, I mean it in every sense of the phrase. Last month, I was going about my day when my window

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Lost power, didn’t know A/C was broken too

Lost power, didn’t know A/C was broken too


Last month was a absolutely difficult one. My friend and I had back-to-back obligations all weekend long which made the time fly. My friend and I already felt undoubtedly haggard and run down by the time Sunday rolled around and then it was time to start a brand-new work week. Unfortunately, the weather conditions wasn’t

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International Travel

International Travel


I retired from being a teacher a few years ago. After retiring, I decided to spend all of my free time traveling. In just a few years, I visited dozens of countries in all different climate zones. The experience has been amazing. My favorite part is meeting new people and learning about their culture. I

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Weekend getaway gets ductless heat pumps

Weekend getaway gets ductless heat pumps


Sometimes I just have to pinch myself. Sure, there have been difficult time in the past plus there will be in the future. That’s just part of living this life. But for the most part, I’ve led a truly lucky existence. My wife plus I share a charming home with plenty of space, an amazing

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Rather drive than take public transfer

Rather drive than take public transfer


I try to do my part to help the environment as my associate and I battle the weather conditions change which is destined to ruin our planet. I’m all about recycling plus reducing my energy expenditure to help in the bigger effort. I like to walk every chance I get, plus often skip taking my

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Right HVAC but wrong floor plan

Right HVAC but wrong floor plan


When I first signed the papers for my up-to-date house, I could hardly feel it, not only was I becoming a first time dwelling owner, I was doing it in a newly built home. I couldn’t feel my great luck that I was able to get into a planned community at such a low cost.

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Selling custom furniture to my friend

Selling custom furniture to my friend


I asked the owner how much he would like to sell the custom made root budweiser table for, as well as he said he would take $20 for it; For such a nice piece of custom furniture, there had to be a catch. Custom furniture can be honestly costly if you are building it for

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Arrived late at the job, working overtime all week

Arrived late at the job, working overtime all week


You never know when traffic is going to be absolutely horrible in this city. Some afternoons it’s perfectly wonderful & other afternoons it will hold you up for hours. This is a large problem for me as someone who has to drive back & forth two odd jobs for my biweekly work. I’m not the

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Major air conditioning system upgrade

Major air conditioning system upgrade


We lived a particularly simple life growing up. My siblings plus I learned to love the basics. My pal and I shared all of our toys plus enjoyed it that way. My pal and I never had the high end electronics like our friends. My pal and I also shared our clothes, so my friend

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Sitting by a Radiant Heating Device & Then I go For a Run

Sitting by a Radiant Heating Device & Then I go For a Run


My niece & nephew just got back household & are already starting with the questions. I’m just ignoring them because it is like a feeding frenzy with them & I don’t want to provide them any ammunition. When it is just one kid it is much more peaceful, but when they get together they feed

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Quit eating establishment when Summer set in

Quit eating establishment when Summer set in


Everyday when I left the pizza shop I had a pounding headache and a filthy hot shirt I believe I am not the type of man who enjoys to perserious all the time. I do the best that I can to stick it out and uncomfortable situations but at a certain point I am going

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Heating plus Cooling Systems plus Friends I Never Get to See

Heating plus Cooling Systems plus Friends I Never Get to See


Today is December 27th plus I just got done resting out back at my aunt’s condo trying to get some sun. It is 12pm plus all of my friends are laboring away plus don’t have the time to hang out with me. A lot of them have youngsters plus wives plus tasks that don’t allow

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Will my Investments Ever Come Back up Again From Here?

Will my Investments Ever Come Back up Again From Here?


I am an Heating & Air Conditioning tech, & have been ever since working with my dad’s heating corp, & can constantly make currency working part time till I am well into my 77’s Wow, I’ve certainly lost a bunch of currency as of now with my crypto investments. It is down like 95%, as

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Thermostat needs to be relocated away from hot utility room

Thermostat needs to be relocated away from hot utility room


I’ve never been so lucky as to have my own washing and drying machine. For the past six years I’ve lived in apartment buildings which had two janky washers and dryers in the basement, and cost a ton to operate. I would easily spend $5 to do a load of laundry, especially factoring in all

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Maintenance is important

Maintenance is important


I was coming condo to a burning tepid property many times a month, plus had to keep resetting the AC device to be functional again I’m sure all the people has heard that phrase – moderation is key. It usually refers to people’s health habits, such as what plus how much they are eating plus

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